Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Noble Deeds

Isaiah 32:8 "But the noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands."

Noble deeds.

By noble deeds he stands.

What in the world does that mean? Nowadays, we have virtually no concept of what this means. The term 'nobility' has disappeared from our vocabulary and gotten lost from our culture. We cannot fathom simply standing on our noble deeds. No way. We need to stand on our money, our status, our power, our possessions. Noble deeds just aren't the way that we do things anymore.

Well, that is not what the men of old think. Men of old know how important noble deeds are to a life. What will you remember? What will people remember about you? Will they remember how much money you have? Or will they remember how you fought for justice and truth? Will they remember what title you held at your company or what car you drove? Or will they remember the way that you stood strong in the face of adversity and terror? What will define you? Your noble deeds will define you.

Men of old knew how to stand. Men of old knew what was really important to a man and to his reputation. They could care less who you were, what job you had, where you were from, or anything like that - your deeds spoke for you. The things that you did defined you. And if you practiced noble deeds, then you could stand. You were a true man.

Where has that gone? Men today, we need to get this back. We need to commit to noble deeds. We need to do noble deeds in our lives. Noble deeds are the measurements by which we will be judged. The things that we do will serve as our definitions. If we want to stand at all, we must accomplish noble deeds.

If we want to stand with pride in a group of men of old, we need to do noble deeds.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your thoughts are inspiring; ethics, courage, truth are evaporating like snow on the mountaintop; thanks for this website.