Monday, September 29, 2008

A Man Worthy To Be Followed...

One of my favorite books deals with the life of King Arthur. It is a fictional (but with many nonfiction elements) of the life of Arthur, and it does a beautiful job of highlighting what an amazing man he was. He was truly a man of old. One of the books reveals one of my favorite stories ever about King Arthur - and it presents a powerful challenge for every man today.

Arthur was a leader of leaders. His presence and prowess attracted other men to him - strong men who were kings in their own right. Three of these men were Cai, Bedwyr, and Cador. These men were Arthur's battlechiefs. They lived to serve the king - King Arthur. Arthur held their respect and their love and their loyalty because of the strong leader and person that he was. These men were leaders of thousands, but they were led by King Arthur.

When Arthur had his mysterious death, the author of this particular book about King Arthur noted something very interesting. The author was relating what happened to each of Arthur's friends and companions after Arthur was gone. But the most interesting thing was noted about Cai and Bedwyr and Cador. These three mighty men took to the hills for the rest of their lives in search of the Holy Grail. Why? "Because they could not follow a lesser man..."

These three men of old could not take orders from any less than King Arthur. They just couldn't. They wanted to follow a man - a true man, a strong and holy man. They would not have the same love, respect, loyalty, and unflinching obedience to any man lesser than Arthur. So they wandered around the rest of their lives searching for the Holy Grail.

What a challenge to us today. What a calling. Not only for us to be like King Arthur - a man who is worthy to be followed. But this is also a challenge for us to find good, strong men to follow. We should not settle for following a lesser man. We should only give our love, respect, and loyalty to a man who deserves it and earns it.

Young men, it is time that we step up and be strong leaders.

Young men, it is time that we step up and be strong followers.

Like the men of old.