Monday, December 22, 2008

Joseph: One of the Greatest Men of Old

One of the greatest examples of the Men of Old is Joseph (like, Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus). He is incredibly underrated, but he exemplified what it means to be a real man.

Usually the story of the birth of Jesus focuses on the role of Mary. Of course, her praise is well-deserved, but Joseph played a very large role in the birth of Jesus, as well. Here is a quick question to think about as we jump into this story of Joseph: “Was the reason that God chose Mary to be the mother of Jesus because God knew what a great man Joseph was?”

God entrusted the care of His Son and Mary to one man – Joseph. And did Joseph complain when things didn’t go his way? Did Joseph whine to God because he had to take Mary all the way to Bethlehem? Did Joseph get mad when Mary told him that she was pregnant? Did Joseph give up when the going got tough and there was no room in any of the inns? Did Joseph feel sorry for himself when his wife had to give birth in a stable? No way. Joseph was a Man of Old.

When Mary first came to him, he treated her with respect and kindness. When the angel of God spoke to him, he responded with faith and determination. When he found out they had to leave their homes and travel to a distant town right before Mary had the baby, he set his jaw and did what had to be done. When there was no room in the inn, he found a way to provide for his family. When Mary had the child in a stable, he never left her side. When the shepherds and the wise men offered praise and gifts, he held his head up high and thanked God for His blessings. Throughout the entire Christmas journey Joseph showed that real men are kind, determined, humble, and strong in the midst of difficult situations and historic events.

Really, is there a better example of how to be a man than what Joseph shows us in the Christmas journey? His deeds go unsung. His story is untold. His role is virtually unnoticed. And that is perfectly fine with him. Real men like Joseph do not do what they do for glory or praises. Joseph sacrificed and gave of himself to protect and provide for Mary and the baby because he loved them… and it was the right thing to do. That is what Men of Old do.

Joseph is a perfect example of what it means to be a real man in the face of difficult situations and in the midst of great deeds.

All young men today should strive to be like Joseph.

I want to be like Joseph.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Two Men. Choose to be One.

In many stories there are two different men. These two different men are in contrast with each other. One does things one way, the other does things the other. One usually does wrong things, and one usually does the right things. These two men normally have a lot of things in common, but they have important differences. And, also...well, actually, it will probably be easier to explain if I give an example.

Have you ever seen the movie Pocahontas?

In the movie Pocahontas there are two men who are very different from each other. One of the men is John Smith. The other is Kokoum.

John Smith is a man's man. He is strong, honest, and brave. He seeks adventure at every turn. He loves life, and he loves living. He is always trying to find new lands and have bigger adventures and stories. His heart will not be satisfied by small things, but he longs for the biggest things in life. He is kind, compassionate, and full of character. He would give his life for his brothers, and he would laugh all night with his friends. John Smith is a true man.

Oppositely, there is Kokoum. He is not a bad guy, necessarily. But he is just less. He does not have fun. He doesn't smile. He doesn't understand what people truly want. He has different motivations and different dreams (if any at all). He is just less. If you have seen the movie at all, Kokoum is a nice guy, but, well, he is no John Smith.

And therein lies the challenge for us young men today. We need to become men like John Smith. We cannot settle for being like Kokoum. We cannot settle for less. We cannot settle for just 'run of the mill' or 'boring'. We can't settle for being like Kokoum. We don't want to. The people around us don't need us to. It doesn't help anybody, and life is simply less as Kokoum.

Young men, we need to be like John Smith. We need to seek adventure in all we do. We need to follow our hearts and our passions. We need to live and love life. We need to seek out new lands and new stories. We must be men who are not satisfied until we have the fullest that life can offer. We need to live with hearts that constantly driving, running, and flying. We need to be all that we can be. We need to be John Smith.

The choice.

Two men.

Be one.

Be John Smith.

Here we go, guys.

Monday, September 29, 2008

A Man Worthy To Be Followed...

One of my favorite books deals with the life of King Arthur. It is a fictional (but with many nonfiction elements) of the life of Arthur, and it does a beautiful job of highlighting what an amazing man he was. He was truly a man of old. One of the books reveals one of my favorite stories ever about King Arthur - and it presents a powerful challenge for every man today.

Arthur was a leader of leaders. His presence and prowess attracted other men to him - strong men who were kings in their own right. Three of these men were Cai, Bedwyr, and Cador. These men were Arthur's battlechiefs. They lived to serve the king - King Arthur. Arthur held their respect and their love and their loyalty because of the strong leader and person that he was. These men were leaders of thousands, but they were led by King Arthur.

When Arthur had his mysterious death, the author of this particular book about King Arthur noted something very interesting. The author was relating what happened to each of Arthur's friends and companions after Arthur was gone. But the most interesting thing was noted about Cai and Bedwyr and Cador. These three mighty men took to the hills for the rest of their lives in search of the Holy Grail. Why? "Because they could not follow a lesser man..."

These three men of old could not take orders from any less than King Arthur. They just couldn't. They wanted to follow a man - a true man, a strong and holy man. They would not have the same love, respect, loyalty, and unflinching obedience to any man lesser than Arthur. So they wandered around the rest of their lives searching for the Holy Grail.

What a challenge to us today. What a calling. Not only for us to be like King Arthur - a man who is worthy to be followed. But this is also a challenge for us to find good, strong men to follow. We should not settle for following a lesser man. We should only give our love, respect, and loyalty to a man who deserves it and earns it.

Young men, it is time that we step up and be strong leaders.

Young men, it is time that we step up and be strong followers.

Like the men of old.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A True Man of Old

There is a story that I heard a few years ago about a father and his son. This father represents a true man of old by the way that he loved his son and gave himself up to bring hope and happiness to his son's life.

Check out this link to a story about this father and his love for his son...

If you watched that clip, then I don't need to say anything else.

That is the picture of a man of old. That is what we need to aspire to become today, young men.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ecclesiastes 1:11

Ecclesiastes 1:11 "There is no remembrance of men of old..."

Why am I writing all of these things? In my initial post, I tried to explain my hopes and goals for this blog. I can see in my own life how I struggle with being a man, and I realize that I need to learn from better men who have come before me. As I look back upon how men used to be back when nobility, honor, and courage were the measure of a man - I see that we are missing that today. I see that I am missing that today.

And so I seek to remember the men of old.

These men of old can teach us so many things. Young men, we have to learn how to act, think, and be. We need to learn about what good goals and aspirations look like. We have to incorporate strength and justice into plans and motivations. The men of old have shown us the way. Now we need to follow - and by following, we can then create our own way.

But it all begins with remembering the men of old. The Lord said in His Word that the people struggled - the men struggled - because they did not remember how to do things. They did not remember the men of old.

We must remember. We must remember.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Noble Deeds

Isaiah 32:8 "But the noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands."

Noble deeds.

By noble deeds he stands.

What in the world does that mean? Nowadays, we have virtually no concept of what this means. The term 'nobility' has disappeared from our vocabulary and gotten lost from our culture. We cannot fathom simply standing on our noble deeds. No way. We need to stand on our money, our status, our power, our possessions. Noble deeds just aren't the way that we do things anymore.

Well, that is not what the men of old think. Men of old know how important noble deeds are to a life. What will you remember? What will people remember about you? Will they remember how much money you have? Or will they remember how you fought for justice and truth? Will they remember what title you held at your company or what car you drove? Or will they remember the way that you stood strong in the face of adversity and terror? What will define you? Your noble deeds will define you.

Men of old knew how to stand. Men of old knew what was really important to a man and to his reputation. They could care less who you were, what job you had, where you were from, or anything like that - your deeds spoke for you. The things that you did defined you. And if you practiced noble deeds, then you could stand. You were a true man.

Where has that gone? Men today, we need to get this back. We need to commit to noble deeds. We need to do noble deeds in our lives. Noble deeds are the measurements by which we will be judged. The things that we do will serve as our definitions. If we want to stand at all, we must accomplish noble deeds.

If we want to stand with pride in a group of men of old, we need to do noble deeds.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Noble Plans

Isaiah 32:8 "But the noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands."

Noble plans.

Men of old dedicated themselves and their lives to noble plans. They geared their life towards noble things. They put forth their energy to plans that were noble.

True men spend their time and energy on things that are important, things that are noble. They do not waste their time with selfish or vain pursuits. They did not use their influence as a man for evil or wicked gain. Real men simply do not even consider using up their valuable time on things that are not worthwhile or noble.

Noble plans help people. Noble plans do good. Noble plans attempt and accomplish great deeds of good things that make life better for people. They are plans and ideals that work for the good of society - strength, honor, and hope.

Look at your own life. Are you living your life for noble plans? Or are you wasting your time with plans that are selfish or non-influencing? What are you doing with your life? What kind of plans do you have? And are they noble?

The men of old would settle for nothing less than dedicating their lives to noble plans.

We men today need to do the same.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Isaiah 32:8 - The Noble Man

The Bible has excellent things to say about what it means to be a true man. Recently I found a great verse that speaks to the heart of what a man is and what a man does. The verse is found in the book of Isaiah - who himself was a very good man.

Isaiah 32:8 "But the noble man makes noble plans, and by noble deeds he stands."

To be a noble man - that should be the goal of every young man and young boy. That should be the goal of every man alive. That was what the goal was back in the day. In years past, men wanted to be noble. That was their first and greatest aim. Above all else, they wanted to be noble. Men of old knew the importance of being noble, and they made it the benchmark for their lives.

For the next two posts in this blog, we will look at how the Bible tells us we can be noble. There are two things that we can do to be noble: make noble plans and do noble deeds.

To be noble - that was the aim of the man of old.

Men today need to have that same aim, as well.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Father's Day: Story about My Dad

As I think back upon this past Father's day, I am reminded of a story about my dad. My dad is probably the greatest man of old that I know. He is strong, honest, and good. I love my dad very much. Without getting too sentimental, I will share it here.

When I was a kid, I used to love to play baseball. I still like to play baseball, actually. My favorite thing was just to throw the baseball around. I loved to play catch. I was in that phase where baseball was still new to me, and I just loved each time I got to play catch to see how much farther and faster I could throw it and to see if I could catch all of them thrown to me.

I would sit in the living room waiting for my dad to come home from work in the summer. Secretly I would know exactly where my mitt and the ball was just in case my dad had time to play catch. My dad is a hard-working man, so I never wanted to intrude myself upon him to play catch. I always waited until he asked me.

I still remember those times. I would try not to show it, but I would be so excited. It's not like my dad never had time for me or anything. He always made time for me and would do anything for me. But, it's not like we played catch every single nite. So the nites that we did get to play catch, it was extra special.

I really never realized it until this year when I was gone in Africa. My dad would probably be so tired when he got home. I was just a kid who had sat around all day in the summer. But he would ask me if I wanted to play catch and then we would go out and throw the ball around. He would be wearing his work clothes. And I would be wearing a silly grin on my face.

I know it is not a ground breaking story or anything, but that is one of the things I will always remember about my dad.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

In the Eye

Men of old would look each other in the eye when they spoke. This simple, natural gesture goes deeper than what it seems, and it is something that men today have lost. And this is something that men today need to regain: the ability to look each other in the eye.

Again, this goes deeper than just having good manners. Looking another man in the eyes means that you have nothing to hide. It means that you consider that person your equal – not in a competitive sense, but in an equality sense. It means that you are being authentic and real with that person; you don’t just look through them or around them. It means that you are speaking the truth, and you are backing it up by putting your word and your name behind it.

Men today need to regain the ability to look each other in the eye. We need to not be deceptive or sinister with our objectives. We need to develop equality with our actions and our attitudes. We need to be authentic enough with people to live in the moment – look them in the eyes and be in the moment with them. And we need to put ourselves fully behind the things that we say and the things that we do. When we are speaking and living the truth – and we are completely resolved in those actions – we will be able to look another man in the eye confidently and proud of our character.

Men of old could look each other in the eye with confidence because of their integrity. Young men, we need to regain this ability: the ability to look each other in the eye.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Do you remember when a man used to take pride in his handshake?

A handshake used to mean a lot more to a man. It was a sign of strength, a sign of goodness. If a man had a good, firm handshake – then he could be trusted. He wasn’t hiding anything. You could tell. You could just tell what kind of man he was.

And men wanted to have a good handshake, as well. They wanted their handshake to be good and strong and an extension of themselves. Their handshake was as good as their word. Do you remember the time when a deal used to be sealed with only a handshake? That handshake was that man’s word. Essentially, the handshake was the man.

That was a man of old. A man whose handshake was as honest and good as the earth beneath him. A man who prided himself in his handshake and who expected the same in return from you. For some men, a handshake was all that they had to give. They did not have anything else. For others, a handshake was the only way they knew to communicate. For most men, a handshake was all they needed.

Can you picture that man of old? Can you picture that? A strong man with a firm handshake who proudly shakes the hand of other good men. Real men meeting each other with an honest and true handshake that connects and builds up each man. Can you see it in your mind? Can you feel it in your heart? Don’t you just yearn for the simple goodness of a strong handshake between true men? It seems like we have lost that today.

Never underestimate the power of a firm handshake between two good men. Young men, this is where we need to be. This is where we need to go. This is who we need to be. Are you with me?

Let’s shake on that. Let’s learn to shake on that.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Measure of a Man

Two songs. One subject. Two different viewpoints. One measure of a man.

Measure of a Man
by 4HIM

This world can analyze and size you up
And throw you on the scales
They can IQ you and run you through
Their rigorous details
They can do their best to rate you
And they'll place you on their charts
And then back it up with scientific smarts
Bur there's more to what your worth
Than what their human eyes can see
Oh I say the measure of a man
Is not how tall you stand
How wealthy or intelligent you are
Cause I found out the measure of a man
God knows and understands
For He looks inside to the bottom of your heart
And what's in the heart defines
The measure of a man
Well you can doubt your worth
And search for who you are and where you stand
But God made you in His image
When He formed you in his hands
And He looks at you with mercy
And He sees you through His love
You're His child and that will always be enough
For there's more to what you're worth
Than you could ever comprehend
You can spend your life pursuing physical perfection
There is so much more, more than ever meets the eye
For God looks through the surface
And He defines your worth by, what is on the inside

Measure of a Man
by Jack Ingram

When I was fifteen, I left home young
Tore up the tracks and then some
Me and my dad didn't see eye to eye
I never took to him, he never took the time
Bullet proof, more than tough
Smarter than he ever was
Well I burned those wheels down the highway
And I learned what I learned the hard way
Do the best you can do, love many, trust few
Work hard for the money in your hands
That's the measure of a manYeah the measure of a man
Anger burns, love cools it down
Pretty young woman turned my head around
The world through her eyes looked so different
She lives on faith, she looks for forgiveness
Fool proof, it ain't easyI need her, she needs me
She stole my heart on this highway
She taught me to love through the hard days
Yeah she's cool when I'm not, she's as steady as a rock
She's as solid as the ring on my hand
That's the measure of a man
Yeah the measure of a man
Last night she handed me a son of my own
It killed me to do it, but I picked up the phone
Hey dad I burned ten years down this highway
And I learned what I learned the hard way
Truth is I need you, we'll cry if we need to
And I'll swallow my pride if you can
That's the measure of a man
Oh yeah, the measure of a man

Jack Ingram and 4HIM have slightly differing viewpoints on the Measure of a Man. But both of these songs are great tools to see two different sides of the makeup of a man of old.

A man of old is like a coin with two sides: one side is strength in God. The other is strength in self. Keep it balanced. Focus on both. See how you measure up.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Why is this even important???

So why is this even important? Why is trying to be a better man even on our radar screen? Why should you be reading this? Why should I even be writing this? Basically, why is this topic even remotely important?

It's important because it's not where it should be. Since it's not where it should be, it becomes a problem. Because it is a problem, people are getting hurt. Families are struggling. The next generation of men have no examples. The good things are being lost. This problem affects every piece of community and society. Truly, this problem shapes the world.

Is that important enough?

No, really, I don't mean to sound coy. I just want to try to express how important this issue really is. When men are not real men, it impacts everything. It has a trickle down effect. It has a lasting effect. It has a large effect. Too often people pass this off as a simple change in society or a blah blah blah (technical terms). There are a thousand different excuses for why men are not as strong or disciplined as they used to me. And there are a thousand reasons why this isn't a big deal. So it might seem like I am exaggerating a little bit with my reasoning, but I don't think I am. This is a real problem. This is a big problem.

And, men, we have to fix this.

We have to fix this.

It is important.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Need for Men of Old.

What did a man used to look like? What was a ‘man of old’? I tell you plainly now – we who call ourselves men today would not have been able to shake the hand of the men of old. They were strong and good men who took pride in themselves and their character while fighting for the right and not accepting the wrong. They were men who knew themselves and their God – and therefore knew what was expected of them. Oh, what joy it would be to simply be in the company of some of these men of old! What has happened to us, men? If a man of old would see our minor attempts at strength and honor today, their eyes would falter with disbelief and disappointment. What would the men of old say about us today, men? Yet through the grace of the Good Lord, this life allows for changes and renewals. So what can we do to gain the respect of these men of old in our lives, men? We can look at the life of a man of old – and then we can change and we can renew.
When people picture men of old, they see an image of a man strong and good. With sweat on his brow and callouses on his hands, he was man who knew how to work. He had clear eyes, a good heart, and he always spoke the truth. There are many other descriptions and characteristics of a man of old – too numerous to account here. But the men of old were all like this. There was respect in being a good man, and they all strived to show themselves worthy of being called a man.
Today our men are soft. We are small. We are lazy. We eagerly lavish pleasures on ourselves as quickly as we deny them to others. We lie to cover our tracks. We deceive to make our lives easier (as if they aren’t easy enough right now…). We sneak around as if we are walking on eggshells and not wanting to be noticed. Oh, how inconvenient it would be if someone noticed that a man was around! They might ask him to do some kind of work or show some kind of courage to help someone!
Yet there is hope. There is always hope in life because life is open for change and God is a life-changing God. We who claim to call ourselves men today can truly get back to what a man really is – a man of old. The men that helped those who were weaker than they. The men of old who could look each other in the eye and shake a strong hand. The men who knew the value of life and love. The men who did good things simply because they were good things and they needed to be done. The men who lived with strength and truth and therefore garnered respect and honor. The men who knew they had to find themselves completely in the Lord – for He is the wellspring of all that is right.
We can make the changes in our lives to be like these men of old. We can regain our strength, renew our vows, and stand tall once again! We can; we need to; and we will.